Finding inspiration in our daily lives is simpler than we think.

It is key for every individual to find inspiration in their own way. Whatever gender, ethnic background, age or environment we live in, inspiration is a craving everyone has.

It is Friday afternoon as I write this in a condo in downtown Toronto. The power has just gone out due to high winds.

Reading different stories of people on social media (real, maybe real, maybe not real), hearing real stories in conversations with people of all age groups makes me realize that these stories vary from difficult and challenging life happenings on a daily basis to simple highlights and that it is up to us to react -or not react- in a certain way.

There are many happy stories, many emotional stories and many stories that impact in many surprising and powerful ways, even the sad ones. It is not known when we are about to get inspired, it can be anywhere and at any time. There is only one catch… We have to be open to receiving inspiration, search for it, find it and be open to the idea that it is everywhere. By simply slowing down, we can become more open to receive this inspiration – affirming that it is possible to be inspired and it is possible to find inspiration everywhere.

In order to be able to receive inspiration, our senses need to open up!

Where to find inspiration:

Inspiration can be found absolutely everywhere. Whether it is in a subway car, on the way to a train station, in a cab, or on a dirty street, if we just open our senses – our sight, our hearing, our noses, our touch, and lastly our voices (in a very kind way) – we would be surprised what we hear, see and feel when we open up. We would be able to see the wonders that exist all around, no matter the place we are in. If we are not inspired, there is always room to change our daily patterns and do something different (everyday). We can reach out to people, connect to nature, be still, be quiet and listen. We can show gratitude, respect and awe for the simple things and things we can appreciate, improve and accept while we just let it be – allowing to observe the way things are.

Most our customers, friends and clients expressed that it is a challenge to be open to receive inspiration due to many stresses. They could be personal stresses, family, partners, kids, or a generally overwhelmed with life. The speed at which everything is happening and changing can become a big factor to stress. Therefore, the only solution to become more open is to slow things down by at least 30%.

Ways to mindfully slow things down to find inspiration:

1- Take social media breaks

2- Take a day off of cell phones (Maybe your Sunday)

3- Get out in nature

4- Journal in a book

5- Find 5 minutes of gratitude daily (Make a list!)

6- Open up discussions with strangers without worrying about time

7- Connect with a family member and send them kind words

8- Practice Silence

9- Dedicate at least a 5-10 minute meditation in your evenings or mornings

10- Do something that takes you outside of your comfort zone (Then reflect on it)

11- Get a massage! A massage is the best break for the mind, relaxation and nourishment for body (Get a Kahuna, Lomi Lomi or Tantra massage)

Why is massage a good for the body to jump start this process of inspiration?

When bodies are in a relaxed state, the mind is open to receive more inspiration as we create more room in our mind, soul and body. A state of relaxation can be induced very quickly via a sacred massage like Kahuna, Lomi Lomi or Tantra. The gentle flowing Kahuna process, takes the cells of the body on a surreal flight journey of discovery on its own through a gentle, loving stimulation of the body.

A process of relaxation soothes the nervous system, so that when one leaves a sacred space, the senses heighten – the ability to hear the birds in the neighbourhood, see the trees in full bloom, smell the aromas produced by nature, feel the wind caressing the face, seeing the sun and all its wisdom pierce through the clouds, feel the rain as it gently touches the skin, feeling love when walking and how we perfectly fit into this world of magic.

Find inspiration by giving inspiration to another person and doing random acts of kindness. Surprise yourself with a great capacity to receive and give loving kindness.

As I finish writing this, the power has come back on, the winds have died down, and the sun has
come out stronger than before.

Till we meet(again)

Much love,