What is a Full Body Tantric Energy Orgasm?
The main distinction between a regular peak orgasm and an energy orgasm comes from limitations. While a regular peak orgasm is only limited to feeling pleasure in one part of the body (i.e. the genitals) an energy orgasm is not. Rather, it is an expansive feeling that can be felt throughout the whole body.
A person is left feeling ecstatic and light-headed, a sort of natural high. It can range from being a very strong sensation that involves your whole being, that is all the 5 ‘bodies’, to be much more subtle. In order to experience this, it’s necessary to develop your sense of orgasmic perception – to think and feel from a new perspective.
To get started, you should understand The 5 ‘bodies’ of yoga called “Pancha Kosha” and they consist of:
1. the Physical body
2. the Energetic body
3. the Emotional body
4. the Mental body
5. the Spiritual body
When all five are superimposed on top of each other, the physical and the energetic compose the whole body, and the emotional and mental compose the subtle body, while the spiritual is the cosmic body – the most refined. This energy can originate from and move through any of these above bodies. In order to experience and feel this energy, we need to train ourselves to see things from a new perspective.
Redefining An Orgasm
Most of us are familiar with the traditional orgasmic experience – a 5-20 second peak orgasm, centralized to a single part of the body with the feeling of a quick release. We must broaden that view to include more subtle, pleasurable sensations that may not necessarily come to mind when thinking of an orgasm. Sensations like this might include the goosebumps you feel when caressed lightly or a sensual whisper near the ear. But these sensations don’t have to be physical, think about the experience of witnessing the sunset on a tropical island for the first time.
Know Thyself – Know Your Energy Centers
Educating yourself on the basics of the chakras will aid in the perception of energy. They can be understood with a scientific explanation of being energy centers on cardinal points throughout the body. It should be noted that these points are all places where nerve bundles happen to coalesce on the body.
Thus, all of these points on the body, (a) have more comparative active neural energy, and thus (b) are located where we are physically tied to or “feel” strong emotions. (a headache in the forehead, arousal in the genitalia, fear in the stomach, etc.)
Several books have been written about the chakra system, many with contradicting information. The books I have found to be most accurate to yogic tradition are unfortunately not the most popular in bookshops. These include: “Chakras” by Harish Johari and “The Serpent Power” by Arthur Avalon. These books provide a detailed insight into the Chakras. To give you a quick run down – the most important thing to know about chakras is their location and how they “feel” in the body.
First and foremost, a common misperception is that the chakras are located in the spine. The spine actually houses an energy channel called “Sushumna Nadi”, which is basically “the central energy channel”, to which the chakras are attached by an “energy string”, or Nadi, but the actual disc-shaped chakra is in front and just outside the physical body at a distance of approximately 2-3 centimeters, on a level of the energetic body.
The Different Chakra’s
1. Muladhara: the root center, located at the perineum, feels grounded and heavy.
2. Svadhistana: the sacral center, located just above the pubic bone, feels watery and sensual.
3. Manipura: the naval center, located at the navel, feels fiery and dynamic.
4. Anahata: the heart center, located in the middle of the chest, feels loving and intimate.
5. Vishudda: the throat center, located in the suprasternal notch of the throat, feels spacey and ethereal.
6. Ajna: the third eye center, located in the middle of the forehead, feels clear and sublime.
7. Sahasrara: the crown center, located on top of the head, feels like bliss and ecstasy.
The Chakra Energy Orgasm
As you learn to control the flow of energy traveling through the body and the chakra system, you might encounter some of these mentioned feelings. You can even have orgasms on the different chakras. A so-called “chakra orgasm”.
For example, an orgasm on Manipura might express itself as a sudden burst in uncontrollable laughter. While an orgasm on Svadhistana might involve a lot of tears. An orgasm on Muladhara might invoke raw screaming and shouting.
In the end, there are valid and time-tested guidelines that can greatly help you navigate through the process of an energy orgasm but ultimately, it all falls on how you are able to experience it. Do not stress on the details, instead focus on your own embodied experience and discover your truth. Learn to fully be present in the moment with all your senses – breath, movement, sound, taste, smell.
Where to Begin
Releasing Energy Blocks
To start – ensure there is a free flow of energy. The free flow can only occur if the body is free from constraining energy blocks.
These blocks can occur on both a physical and energetic level. Yoga Asanas and bodywork practices can help with physical blocks while Pranayama and breathing practices can help with the energetic level.
When the preparatory work has been done and your body feels more open and relaxed, you have the foundation set to start experiencing an energy orgasm yourself.
Breathing Exercises
To cause a stir of orgasmic energy in your body, start with breathing exercises.
Take deep breaths all the way down to the stomach and core of your body, all the while moving your body in swirling motions, and using your mind to direct the energy. A key point to remember; energy follows thought – energy flows where your mind goes.
Use the power of your mind to move this energy up to the heart, bridging the sacral chakra with the heart chakra that will result in a deeper experience where erotic sex is united with connected intimacy. When this union occurs, the pleasure of the energy orgasm will increase 10 fold. It can now radiate out from the heart, shooting out to the peripheries of the whole body.
Once this connection has been established, you can stay here until you feel you are capable of moving to the next level which would move higher up to the throat chakra. At this stage, it’s important to be expressive with sounds. Don’t hold back expressing yourself or your pleasure, because that can also be a limitation to how well you will activate the energy orgasm. To make this stage easier you can chant mantras, hum consonants, or even say the name of the chakras. Speaking loving words to your partner will also work.

Side-Effects Of Releasing Your Energy
Releasing energy constraints do sometimes result in unwanted side-effects that can manifest themselves in different ways; crying, anger and irritation, old forgotten memories can surface. This is because emotions and memories are bottled up, and when tension is released, these emotions shower the body.
It is important to be available for that experience, to accept it and let yourself feel it. If you truly immerse yourself into the moment, you will find it lasts no longer than between 30 seconds to a couple of minutes.
For example, if you feel sadness arising, maybe seemingly out of nowhere, embrace this feeling by getting into it. If you need to release it by crying it out, let yourself do it. If you find yourself in this purifying moment remember that it is short-lived, and part of the process.
View this as a way to shed unwanted layers, diving in to discover your one truth. The more layers you shed, the closer you get to your true sexual expression. The more you open up and allow the universal life-force energies to flow through you, the more joy and happiness you are channeling into the world.
What If I Feel Nothing At All?
Patience is key when it comes to experiencing energy orgasms. You might get lucky and have amazing sensations from the get-go, or it might take a few times to get it right.
Practice makes perfect. Or more accurately; practice makes progress.
Focus on doing the preparatory work and you will soon find yourself well on your way.
Women tend to naturally tap into these subtle feelings of energy. Women are usually more connected to the emotional body and use more of their right-brain hemisphere. Whereas men tend to find it as difficult as learning a new language since they are more focused on logic and problem-based reasoning. Men are also exposed to the social conditioning of the machismo culture where boys are thought to “man-up” since a very young age. This results in a lot of adult men being distant from their emotions on a sub-conscious level.
Being aware of these issues and accepting them is the first step in trying to overcome them in order to better contemplate your relationship with your own emotions. As such, for some people, it might take consistent practice to develop this skill.
From my experience, anyone can get to a place of emotional content, where not only are they truly able to experience powerful energy orgasms, but also experience blissful enhancements in all pleasurable activities. Even if they are the most walled-off, block-headed, masochistic person alive.
Good luck with your ecstatic adventures!
P.S. If you are a man or a woman and want to learn how to tap into your life-force energy, to 10X your pleasure, power, and life, or you want to be able to transmit an energy orgasm to your partner, Head over to www.templebodywork.com
Credit: @tantricacademy.com
Much love,